有效期間:民國 98年08月01日 98年08月31日

    Case Discussion

Presentation of Case

This 25-year-old female patient was rushed to the emergency department (ED) at 1 AM on a winter day. She was witnessed having seizures followed by loss of consciousness by her family at home. She was otherwise healthy except a history of a traumatic injury with rupture of the right anterior cruciate ligament about six years earlier. Despite arthroscopic repair, she still required intermittent non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) for pain control from orthopedic outpatient clinics. Three weeks earlier, severe right knee pain, especially during knee flexion, developed again. She could hardly walk due to severe knee pain and ketorolac were taken for pain control. One hour before arriving at this hospital, she took ketorolac and Chinese herbs including 骨碎補、補骨脂、當歸尾、白朮、川烏片、甘地、黃耆、黨參、丹森 and桃仁 for pain relief due to break-through symptoms. One hour later, seizures and sudden collapse were observed by the family and she was rushed to the ED. There was no aura, palpitations, chest pain or dyspnea reported by the patient prior to seizures.

On arriving at the ED, she was comatous with agonizing respiration. The pulse rate was 100 beats per minute, blood pressure 64/39 mmHg, and temperature was 36℃ and oxygen saturation was 76% while she was breathing ambient air. She was intubated and inotropics were administered immediately. Profound shock and hypoxemia persisted despite initial life support and asystole developed one hour later. Return of spontaneous circulation was achieved after 10 min of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and 100% oxygen and high-dose inotropic agents were administered. Her pupil size was 2.5 mm bilaterally with sluggish light reflex response. Chest and cardiac examinations revealed only faint systolic murmur at the subxyphoid region. The skin color was mottled, and both lower limbs showed no signs of swelling or focal indurations.

Results of laboratory tests
Complete blood count Reference range ED lab
Hemoglobin (g/dl) 12.0–16.0 10.2
White cell count (per mm3) 4500–11,000 7,690
Differential count (%)
Neutrophils 40–70 41.9
Lymphocytes 22–44 53.1
Platelet count (per mm3) 150,000–350,000 265,000

Coagulation profile
Partial-thromboplastin time, activated (sec) 22.1–34.0 34
Prothrombin time (sec) 10.3–13.2 14.7
D-Dimer (ng/ml) <324 >10,000

Urea nitrogen (mg/dl) 4.5–24 18
Creatinine (mg/dl) 0.6–1.3 1.3
Sodium (mmol/liter) 135–148 136
Potassium (mmol/liter) 3.5–5.0 2.9
Chloride (mmol/liter) 98-108 100
Aspartate aminotransferase (U/liter) 10–40 136
Lactate acid (mmol/liter) 0.5 -2.2 >12.0
Total bilirubin (mg/dl) 0.2-1.2 0.28
Creatine kinase (U/liter) 38-160 169
Creatine kinase MB isoenzyme (U/liter) <16 20.4
Troponin I (ng/ml) 0.6-1.5 0.059

Arterial blood gas
pH 7.35-7.45 6.79
pCO2, mmHg 35-45 86
pO2, mmHg 83-108 40.6
HCO3, mEq/L 21-28 12.3
Base excess (BE), mEq/L -2-3 -23.9

Course and Treatment

Initial ECG (Figure 1 ) showed sinus tachycardia with right bundle branch block and upslope ST depression of the precordial leads. Chest radiography (Figure 2) after resuscitation showed mild oligemia bilaterally. Computed tomography (CT) of the head (Figure 3) showed brain swelling without intra-cranial tumors. Echocardiography revealed dilatation of the right atrium (RA) and right ventricle (RV) with moderate tricuspid regurgitation and the left ventricle was normal. CT of the chest (Figure 4) showed thrombi in bilateral pulmonary arteries and branches to bilateral lower and upper lobes. Massive pulmonary embolism with obstructive shock and hypoxemia was diagnosed, and heparin infusion was begun.

However, hypoxemia progressed despite supplement of 100% O2 and traditional medical support failed to achieve stable hemodynamics, and therefore, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) was applied for hemodynamic support. Surgery was performed for the massive pulmonary embolism. During the operation, severe distension of RA and RV with poor RV contractility was found. There were multiple fresh thrombi in bilateral pulmonary arteries (Figure 5). Thromboembolectomy over bilateral pulmonary artery was done smoothly. Her condition improved after the surgery. Functional assays of protein C and protein S while she was receiving anticoagulation therapy showed relatively low levels, 38% (reference values, 59-118) and 47% (reference value, ≧79), respectively. Anti-nuclear antibody and anti-phospholipid antibody were negative. Though she survived from initial assault, sequelae of hypoxic encephalopathy developed due to the protracted course of hypoxemia and obstructive shock.


急性肺栓塞是常見且致死率高的醫療急症,主要致病原因為,肺主動脈或其分支遭到物質栓塞,這些物質可以為血栓、空氣、脂肪或腫瘤等。急性肺栓塞又可以進一步分為massive pulmonary embolism 與submassive pulmonary embolism。Massive pulmonary embolism 意指大量的肺動脈栓塞造成血壓下降 (定義為收縮壓<90 mmHg,舒張壓<40 mmHg,持續時間超過15分鐘)。當發生massive pulmonary embolism通常會造成急性右心衰竭,若沒有接受及時的治療同常會在2小時內造成死亡。

肺栓塞的危險因子:常見危險因子依分類為 (1) 環境因素,如長途航空旅行、肥胖、抽菸、高血壓、糖尿病、久臥不動;(2)先天因素,如年老;(3)女性獨特因素,如懷孕、服用避孕藥、服用女性荷爾蒙治療;(4)合併疾病,如惡性腫瘤、深層靜脈栓塞、心衰竭、服用精神科藥物、經心律調節器置入、接受中央靜脈導管植入;(5) 接受手術,特別是骨科手術、一般外科手術、婦科手術或是神經外科手術;(6)罹患血液疾病致血液凝集;或是 (7)自體免疫疾病 (autoimmune disease),如抗磷脂症候群(anti-phospholipid syndrome)。



血液學檢查: D-dimer,為纖維蛋白鍵結分解後釋放之物質,利用D-dimer正常與否作為診斷急性肺栓塞有良好的敏感度。目前建議D-dimer可運用於低度或中度可能性肺栓塞患者的檢驗,利用高敏感度ELISA檢測法,若D-dimer <0.5 mg/L,幾乎可以排除肺栓塞可能。但此檢驗方式不建議運用於高度懷疑患者,因為此測量對於這類病人的陰性預測值(negative predictive value)較低;再者,若病患年紀大於80歲、合併惡性腫瘤或懷孕婦女,也不建議測D-dimer,因這類病患的D-dimer通常是升高的。而肺栓塞患者之Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) NT-pro BNP與troponin檢驗值通常為異常,但無法直接利用於診斷急性肺栓塞,部份研究顯示其對於預後有其預測價值。

心電圖,急性肺栓塞之心電圖變化部分可見S1Q3T3, right ventricular strain, new incomplete right bundle branch block,當出現這些變化常暗示急性肺栓可能。但這類心電圖變化通常不太常見,反而是心跳加速與非特異性ST段變化與T波倒置(T-wave inversion)較為常見。

胸部X光,雖大部分肺栓塞病患之胸部X光會出現異常,但通常無法單獨利用胸部X光來診斷。常見的變異,如局部肺塌陷、肋膜積水與心臟擴大等,只有約略有12%的胸部X光為正常。而Westermark sign (局部肺實質部分血流減少) 與 Hampton’s hump (肺部周邊出現楔形實質化),雖對於診斷肺栓塞診斷有較高的特異性 (>90%),但只有<2%肺栓塞患可以觀察到此變化。因此無法直接依賴胸部X光來診斷急性肺栓塞。

心臟超音波,主要檢驗肺動脈、右心室或右心房內是否有血栓,同時評估是否合併心房中膈缺損或卵圓孔未閉合等會造成有動脈系統paradoxical emboli的危險。但大部分心臟超音波主要可看到急性肺栓塞之間接證據,如發現右心室與右心房擴大與合併右心室收縮力下降,利用Doppler所估計之右心壓力增加,與三尖辦與肺動脈瓣逆流。

Ventilation-perfusion scan ,此檢查的判讀需要合併臨床訊息與檢驗結果來判斷,整體而言,正常的ventilation-perfusion scan可以排除肺栓塞,但其診斷準確度約為15-80%。常常會出現檢驗結果不確定的情形,因此常需要搭配其他檢查工具。





手術式血栓清除(Surgical embolectomy),部分研究顯示手術式血栓清除可以減少復發,同時避免出血併發症。手術之適應症與使用血栓溶解劑相同,主要以病患出現血液動力學不穩定為主,其餘適應症包括,對於有血栓溶解劑有使用禁忌症或是血栓溶解劑治療失敗的進階處置。

導管式血栓清除(catheter embolectomy),隨導管技術進步,少部分急性肺栓塞患者成功地接受導管式血栓清除治療肺栓塞。

肺栓塞預後, 急性肺栓塞若未診斷出來並接受及時治療,其死亡率約為30%。但若接受適當的治療其死亡率可以降至2-8%。特別是出現massive pulmonary embolism時,其住院期間死亡率將提升,而這類大量肺栓塞約占所有肺栓塞4-5%。若單純出現RV dysfunction其死亡率約為8.1%;一旦出現低血壓與休克時時,則死亡率會升高到15.2-24.5%;若發生需要急救狀況,則其死亡率則升高至64.8%。整體而言,massive pulmonary embolism的 90天死亡率約為52.4%。


  1.  Kasper W, Konstantinides S, Geibel A, Olschewski M, Heinrich F, Grosser KD, Rauber K, Iversen S, Redecker M, Kienast J. Management strategies and determinants of outcome in acute major pulmonary embolism: results of a multicenter registry. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1997;30(5):1165-1171.
  2.  Konstantinides S. Clinical practice. Acute pulmonary embolism. N Engl J Med. 2008;359(26):2804-2813.
  3.  Kucher N, Rossi E, De Rosa M, Goldhaber SZ. Massive pulmonary embolism. Circulation. 2006;113(4):577-582.

關於疑似急性肺栓塞(pulmonary embolism)的臨床表現何者有誤 ?
C若疑似急性肺栓塞患者出現血壓持續下降,要考慮massive pulmonary embolism,須安排及時的血栓溶解劑治療或手術取出血栓。
D因為急性肺動脈栓塞發生時,肺部實質部分仍受到Bronchial artery供應血流,因此急性肺栓塞時不會有胸痛的症狀。
關於急性肺動脈栓實驗檢查的結果何者有誤 ?
A Arterial blood gas檢測可以發現PaO2下降
C目前建議D-dimer可運用於低度或中度可能性肺栓塞患者的檢驗,利用高敏感度ELISA檢測法,若D-dimer <0.5mg/L,幾乎可以排除肺栓塞可能。
E 肺栓塞患者之Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) 或NT-pro BNP與Troponin檢驗值通常是異常,但無法直接利用於診斷。
急性肺栓塞最常見的心電圖變化為 ?
ALV strain pattern
BRV strain pattern
CS1Q3T3 change
Dnon-specific STT change
ENew incomplete right bundle branch block
下列描述何者不是使用血栓溶解劑於急性肺栓塞的適應症 ?
關於急性肺栓塞檢驗敘述,何者有誤 ?
B心臟超音波檢查主要會發現RV (right ventricle) strain, RV 和 RA(right atrium)擴大等間接證據
C正常的Ventilation-perfusion scan可以排除肺栓塞
E電腦斷層可利用於急性肺栓塞診斷,建議採用 arterial-phase的電腦斷層影像可以增加檢驗準確度

  1. (D ) 急性肺動脈栓常見症狀包括喘、胸痛、咳嗽,少部分會有抽蓄表現。臨床徵後包括呼吸次數增加、心跳加速、頸靜脈怒張、肺囉音,嚴重者會出現血壓下降與意識障礙。
  2. (D ) 病患年紀大於80歲、合併惡性腫瘤或懷孕婦女通常D-dimer會升高,因此D-dimer並不是一種很好的檢驗工具。
  3.  (A ) 骨科手術、產科手術與神經外科手術等手術街會增加肺栓塞風險。而懷孕並不會降低肺栓塞發生,反而是增加。
  4. (D) 急性肺栓塞之心電圖變化部分可見:S1Q3T3、right ventricular strain、new incomplete right bundle branch block常暗示急性肺栓塞發生,但通常不太常見。反而是心跳加速與非特異性ST段變化與T波導置較為常見。而left ventricular strain常發生在左心室肥厚,長期血壓上升患者而不是急性肺栓塞。
  5. (B ) 使用血栓溶解劑的適應症為:大量肺栓塞導致持續血壓降低、持續血氧降低、右心功能異常,或合併心房心室血栓,以及卵圓孔未閉合。
  6. (E ) 電腦斷層可利用於急性肺栓塞診斷,建議採用 venous-phase的電腦斷層影像可以增加檢驗準確度

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