Elevated Serum CA-125 in a Case of
Ileocecal Tuberculosis with Wet Peritonitis

Jenn-Dong Lian  Chien-Hui Chu*
Wei-Peng Wang**   Chiu-Ming Tang**
Shih-Sung Chuang***
Department of Radiology, Sin-Lau Christian Hospital
*Department of Surgery, Sin-Lau Christian Hospital
**Department of Internal Medicine, Sin-Lau Christian Hospital
***Department of Pathology, Sin-Lau Christian Hospital

Tuberculosis is still a common disease in southern

Taiwan. We report a case of abdominal tuberculosis

with unusual elevation of serum CA-125 level. 

The clinical course, manifestations of computed 

tomography ( CT ) and double contrast barium

enema are presented and the literature reviewed.

(J Intern Med Taiwan 1998;9:203-206)