
中華民國 一百年十一月 出版

CKD, BP Control, and Proteinuria─主持人:唐德成
Combination of ACEI and ARB: Still Recommended?
摘要 投影片
Role of Direct Renin Inhibitor in Renoprotection
摘要 投影片
Recommendations from 2010 Taiwan Hypertension Guideline
摘要 投影片
Metabolic Syndrome and Digestive Disorder ─主持人:楊偉勛、邱瀚模
Metabolic Syndrome and Colorectal Neoplasm -Implication on Screening and Treatment 摘要 投影片
Metabolic Syndrome and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease 摘要 投影片
Diabetes and GI Complications 摘要 投影片
Metabolic Syndrome and Fatty Liver - The Association between Viral Hepatitis and Fatty liver/Metabolic syndrome: A Common Issue in Taiwan 摘要  
The Update Management of Pulmonary Infection in ICU─主持人:徐忠仁、陽光耀
The Management of Severe H1N1 and Flu Related Infection in ICU 摘要  
The Update Management and Prevention of Ventilator-associated Pneumonia 摘要  
The Optimal Management of Fungal Infection in Critical Ill Patients 摘要  
Pulmonary Rehabilitation in COPD─主持人:蔡熒煌
Role of Resporatory Impairment on Exercise Limitation in COPD 摘要  
High or Low Intensity Exercise Training in COPD 摘要 投影片
Clinical Benefits of Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Patients with COPD 摘要 投影片
實證醫學告訴我們什麼? 摘要 投影片
醫師,我應該打疫苗嗎? ─ 談危機中的衛生與醫療決策 摘要 投影片
從因果相關談疫苗不良反應監測結果 摘要 投影片
醫療品質、醫療法規(一) ─主持人:孫茂勝
生命末期之法律及倫理議題 摘要 投影片
社工在醫療糾紛中的角色 摘要 投影片
提升病人安全(一):『投訴是一種禮物!』 摘要 投影片
提升病人安全(二):『溝通是科學,不只是藝術』--介紹TRM在醫學中心以外的運用   投影片
Vitamin D與健康的關係─主持人:楊垂勳 投影片
Vitamin D Deficiency and Its Effect in Renal Patients 摘要 投影片
Vitamin D Deficiency and Cardiovascular Risk 摘要  
Vitamin D Deficiency and Cancer Risk 摘要  
Updates in Geriatric Medicine 2011 ─主持人:蔡克嵩
Sarcopenia 摘要 投影片
Potentially Inappropriate Medications-Taiwan Criteria 摘要 投影片
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MEJM update) 摘要 投影片
Osteoporosis Treatment Update with Prescribing Regulatuins 摘要 投影片
Obesity and Cancer ─主持人:趙祖怡
Obesity and Cancer Risks 摘要 投影片
Obesity and Carcinogenesis 摘要 投影片
Can weight Reduction Prevent Cancers? 摘要 投影片
Common Blood Disorders in the Elderly─主持人:田蕙芬 、曾承槐
Impact of Aging on Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Systems 摘要 投影片
Common RBC Disorders in the Elderly 摘要 投影片
Common WBC Disorders in the Elderly 摘要 投影片
Common Hemostasis Disorders in the Elderly 摘要 投影片
從大腸桿菌0104談食品安全與溶血尿毒症候群 摘要 投影片
從NDM-1抗藥性大腸桿菌談國際旅遊與醫療與多重抗藥性細菌的全球散播 摘要 投影片
從臨床風險管理看病人安全 摘要 投影片
臨床風險管理的執行與監測 摘要  
DNR相關倫理與法律問題 摘要 投影片
醫療廣告法律規範及案例評析 摘要 投影片
二代健保修法重點-從醫療服務提供者之觀點出發 摘要 投影片
Age of Uncertainty: Role of Physicians in Changing World 摘要 投影片
Can A Physician Refuse to Treat A patient:A Framework for the Obligation to care 摘要 投影片
The Critical Role of lodine on Thyroid─主持人:張慶忠
Iodine and Normal Thyroid Physiology 摘要 投影片
Too Much or Too Little? The Effect of Iodine on Thyroid Diseases 摘要  
How to Protect Thyroid If A Nuclear Disaster Occurs 摘要 投影片
Recent Medical Advance in Coronary Artery Disease Management─主持人:陳志鴻、程俊傑
Diagnostic Role of Multi-detector Computed Coronary Angiography: When to Use It and What Is the Benefit-risk? 摘要 投影片
New Horizon in Medical Treatment of Coronary Artery Disease 摘要 投影片
Drug-eluting Stent: Friend or Foe in Coronary Artery Disease 摘要 投影片
Holistic Care in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction: From Acute Management to Secondary Prevention 摘要 投影片
New Horizon in Atrial Fibrillation Management ─主持人:林俊立、陳適安
Updating of Risk Scoring System for Anticoagulant Therapy in Atrial Fibrillation: CHADS2, CHA2DS2-VASC etc 摘要  
Rhythm Control vs. Rate Control Strategy in the Era of Emerging New Antiarrhythmic Drugs for Atrial Fibrillation 摘要  
Rhythm Control vs. Rate Control Strategy in the Era of Revolutionary Catheter Ablation Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation 摘要  
Benefit and Cost of Sinus Rhythm Conversion and Maintenance for Atrial Fibrillation 摘要  
Optimal Medical Therapy in Acute and Chronic Heart Faliure─主持人:程文俊、何弈倫
Blocking RAAS Cascade in Chronic Heart Failure Therapy: from Renin Inhibitor, ACE Inhibitor, Angiotensin Receptor Blocker to Aldosterone Receptor Blocker 摘要  
β-blocker and If Current Blocker in Chronic Heart Failure Therapy: Is Rate Control the Main Issue or Not? 摘要  
Managing Electrical and Mechanical Dyssynchrony by Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Chronic Drug-refractory Heart Failure 摘要 投影片
Updated Guideline and Clinical Trial-directed Therapy in Acute Heart Failure 摘要  
CKD and Dyslipidemia: What Clinical Trials Tell Us?─主持人:田中亞
Dyslipidemia and CKD: Causes and Consequences 摘要 投影片
Dyslipidemia and CKD: Role of Statin 摘要 投影片
Dyslipidemai and CKD: Role of Fibrate 摘要 投影片
The Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes: An Update─主持人:莊立民
Insulin Therapy- An Update on Insulin Analogues 摘要 投影片
Increatin-based Therapy- GLP-1 Analogues and DPP-4 Inhibitors 摘要 投影片
Algorithm for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes 摘要 投影片
餐後高血糖指引 摘要 投影片
Innate Immunity and Inflammation─主持人:許秉寧
Innate Immunity and Induction of Immune Response 摘要 投影片
TNF, IL-1 and Other Parameters in Inflammation 摘要 投影片
Innate Immunity and Chronic Inflammatory Diseases 摘要 投影片
痛風之發炎機轉 摘要  
痛風與高尿酸血症之治療新策略 摘要 投影片
尿酸血症、痛風與心血管疾病之三角關係 摘要  
痛風與高尿酸血症診療指引 摘要 投影片
NGO pushes ahead with overseas medical cooperation
Effect of Diabetes Mellitus on Severity and Hospital Mortality in Patients with Acute Pancreatitis: a National Population-Based Study
The impact of early administration of recombinant human activated protein C on the outcome of patients with severe sepsis
The Effect of Gastrointestinal Bleeding on Outcomes of Patients with Acute Pancreatitis: A National Population-Based Study
Probiotics induce murine splenocyte toward Th1 activation
The Potential Role of Interferon-regulatory Factor 7 Among Taiwanese Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Value of I-131 NP-59 SPECT/CT scintigraphy in primary aldosteronism: A four-year experience from one regional teaching hospital
Association of Active Smoking with Proteinuria
Apply Uremic Symptom score to Predict Imminent Calamitous End (AUSPICE) stage renal disease: a Pilot Study
Association of Hyperuricemia with Chronic Kidney Disease in Chinese Male
Hyperlipidemia and renal outcome in stage 3 to 5 chronic kidney disease
Chronic Kidney Disease per se is a causal risk factor for stroke beyond traditional cardiovascular risk factors: A nationwide cohort study in Taiwan
Herpes zoster reactivation in maintenance hemodialysis patients - A matched case-control study
Excessive increase in left ventricular mass growth is independently associated with increased cardiovascular events in diabetic patients with chronic kidney disease
Rosiglitazone Ameliorates Biomarkers on Vascular Remodeling Among Subjects with Pre-diabetes and Coronary Artery Disease
Central Obesity Plays as a Major Role in the Pathophysiology of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Associated with Metabolic Syndrome in one Aged Remote Community Survey in Southern Taiwan
Anti-inflammatory Effect of Rosiglitazone Treatment on Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Events Among Subjects with Pre-diabetes and Coronary Artery Disease
Characteristics and outcomes of atypical presentations in patients with acute coronary syndrome
The molecular mechanism of Galectin-3-stimulated cardiac fibroblast proliferation
Differential Effect of Uric Acid Lowering Agents on Sympathetic Hyperinnervation in Post-infarcted Rat Hearts
The Influence of Mitral Valve Regurgitation on Left Atrial Volume
Low Adiponectin in Abdominal Adipose Tissue is a more determinative risk factor in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease
Change in Exhaled NO on Exercise Differentiates Asthma-Induced Bronchoconstriction from COPD-induced Air-trapping
Changes in pulmonary mechanics and gas exchange following thoracentesis on inversion of a hemidiaphragm
The Clinical Effect of Integrated Care of patients with hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia and stroke
Practice of holistic health and healthcare matrix in general internal medicine
The Prevalence of Prediabetes and Associated Risk Profiles Among Rural Adults in Southern Taiwan
The obese relate gene variants in Taiwanese subjects
Waist circumference, BMI, uric acid, blood sugar and triglyceride are important risk factors for abnormal liver function tests in Taiwanese
Novel strategy of simultaneous blockage over PI3K and mTOR by a specific targeting inhibitor attenuates tumorigenesis of head and neck cancer
DNMT3A Mutations in 506 de novo Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients: Distinct Clinical-Biologic Features and Prognostic Implication
Deviation and validation of a risk assessment model for the upper aerodigestive tract cancer using a four-gene panel of epigenetic markers
Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate and Helicobacter pylori Co-exposure Enhance Gastric Epithelial Cell Line AGS Cells Apoptosis
Cross-talk of jnk1/2 and b-catenin pathways is essential for HOXA9 to induce human CS12 gastric cancer cell proliferation
The Role of Hepatoma-Derived Growth Factor in the Cell Proliferation and Mobility of Gastric Cancer Cell Lines
Correlation between Serum Protein Isoform- SAA and Gastric Cancer
The Interaction between Mesenchymal Stem Cell and Cancer cell---Cell Proliferation and Mobility
Areca users in combination with tobacco and alcohol use are associated with younger age of diagnosed esophageal cancer in Taiwanese men
Malignant pleural effusion cells show aberrant glucose metabolism gene expression
Metformin enhance cisplatin cytotoxicity of lung cancer through Stat3 pathway
Clinicopathologic analysis and prognostic factors of 11 patients with primary Small intestinal non-Hodgkin lymphoma in a Single Institute of Taiwan
Accuracy of endoscopic ultrasound in staging of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
Difference of stage and treatment strategy of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma between past and recent periods: An analysis of 7852 cases of a single center from 1986 to 2010
Decreased Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cell Levels and Function in Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Sequential rapid stopping rule for hepatitis C genotype 1 patients with peginterferon plus ribavirin combination therapy-role of host interleukin-28B genetic polymorphisms
Viral kinetics is a more important predictor than host interleukin-28B polymorphism for responses to standard-of-care for Taiwanese CHC patients with HCV genotype 1 infection
The efficacy of genotypic resistance guided sequential therapy in the third line treatment for Helicobacter pylori infection- A multicenter clinical trial
Comparison of the efficacy of sequential therapy for 10-day and 14-day versus triple therapy for 14-day in the first line treatment for Helicobacter pylori infection and impact of antibiotic resistance-a multicenter randomized trial
Satisfaction analysis after colonscopic examination
High-dose Metronidazole-based quadruple therapy is as effective as levofloxacin-based quadruple therapy
The effect of Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacteria-containing yogurt on gastric polyp
The effect of Long term Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacteria-containing yogurt ingestion on colonic polyp
The relation between delta over baseline value of C13-urea breath test and helicobacter pylori erradication
The correlation between type II DM and chronic helicobacter pylori infection
Acid Suppress Agent and The Risk of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: A Population-Based, Case-Control Study
Comparative Analysis of odor in stool using Solid-Phase Microextration-Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry and  Fused-Droplet Electrospary Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Evidence-based Literature Review and Analysis of the Risk Factors for Mortality from Causative Pathogens of Primary Pyogenic Liver Abscess in Central Taiwan
HIV Infection Risk among Injection Drug Users in a Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program, Taipei, Taiwan 2007-2010
Isolation of Cryptococcus Species and Tricosporon asahii from Environment in Southern Taiwan
Mycobacterial Infections in adult patients with hematological malignancy
Positron Emission Tomography Demonstration of Right Ventricle Tumor Overlooked on Contrast-Enhanced CT
A Case of Subclavian Artery Stenosis
Recurrent Tongue Cancer Complicated with Cardiac Tamponade and Complete AV block- A Case Report
Infective endocarditis presented with left upper quadrant abdominal pain:a case report
Management of Severe Exertional Heat Stroke - A Case Report and Literature Review
A late appearance of a common side effort of calcium channel blocker - a case report
Adult granulosa cell tumor in the ovary of a peritoneal dialysis patient
A complication of double lumen hemocatheter guide-wire entrapment in a hemodialysis patient
Purple-colored urine in a woman with chronic kidney disease
Digoxin intoxication-induced encephalopathy in a patient with chronic kidney disease
Spontaneous bacteria empyema in a female uremic patient on continous ambulated peritoneal dialysis with preexisting hydrothorax
Refractory hypercalcemia via 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D excess secondary to pulmonary cryptococcosis: A rare cause of conscious disturbance
A case Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma with Kaposi Sarcoma
Pulmonary Penicilliosis in a Patient with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Presenting as a Huge Lung Mass
Progressive lower legs numbness and weakness in an asthma patient
Fatal tuberculosis presented as bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia in a non-HIV-infected old man – case report
Imatinib-related pneumonitis
Lung Adenocarcinoma with Cardiac Tamponade as the Initial Presentation of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Lung Presenting with an “Air Crescent Sign”
Intestinal obstruction CT scan image in a diabetic woman with septic pulmonary embolism mimic ischemic bowel disease—A case report
Disseminated Mycobacterium abscessus Infection after Prostate Biopsy: One Case Report and Literature Review
Oxacillin induced hemophagocytosis
Cervicofacial Necrotizing Fasciitis caused by Stenotrophomonas Maltophilia in a patient with Acute Lymphoblastic leukemia
Pernicious Anemia and Gastric Carcinoid Tumor
Case report: a case of nodular lymphoid hyperplasia in the endoscopy and positron emission tomography finding
Pedunculated Angiodysplasia : An unusual case of lower gastrointestinal bleeding
Small scalp nodule and extremely elevated Ca19-9 level as the initial presentation of Apocrine carcinoma: A case report and literature review
Right thoracic stomach mimicking pleural empyema in an elderly man
Posaconazole has both safety and efficiency to treat mucormycosis in a cirrhotic patient
Life-threatening Lactic Acidosis in A Patient with Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis: A Case Report
Initial presentation of chylous ascites in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus
IVIG Treatment in SLE with sepsis and low CD4 lymphocyte counts - A Case Report
Lupus mesenteric vasculitis presenting as acute abdominal pain in an 82-year-old woman
Who has ANCA-vasculitis related pulmonary-renal syndrome?
Fabry disease: a rare cause of fever of unknown origin
Tuberculous spondylitis with calcification in the paraspinal soft tissue
Neurogenic Shock on a Patient with Cervical Spine Osteoarthritis after Cervical Spine Injury: A Case Analysis
Nontyphoid samonella-infected mycotic aneurysm in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis
Autism and Adult Onset Still's Disease: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Infectious Spondylodiscitis in hemodialysis one case report
Unilateral primary aldosteronism: beyond the guideline
Primary aldosteronism associated impaired glucose metabolism: a unique and potentially curable cause of diabetes mellitus - A Case Report
Anaplastic transformation of papillary thyroid carcinoma : a case report
Case Experience of Target Therapy for Patient with Thyroid Papillary Carcinoma with Advanced Metastasis
Repeated Subclinical Hypothyroidism and Graves' Disease: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Hyperparathyroidism and Sjogren Syndrome: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Vincristine Induced Polyneuropathy
Scrub typhus presenting as multiple brain emboli: a case report
Isolated central nervous system relapse as myeloid sarcoma of acute myeloid leukemia after allogeneic stem cell transplantationx
IVIG Treatment in Ramsay Hunt Syndrome with Viral Meningoencephalitis - A Case Report